

Country analysis – daily QPS averages for queries originating from resolvers in a given country during the last 30 days before April 28, 2024

Country Max qps Min qps Trend Average
USA 8 068 4 718 6 207
other 3 565 2 271 2 824
Czechia 3 018 1 740 2 592
Germany 2 211 903 1 719
Netherlands 1 229 523 901
France 786 441 628
Ireland 897 376 607
UK 600 374 493
China 640 345 474
Finland 607 265 432
Singapore 488 310 428
Sweden 1 951 148 383
India 348 201 290
Brazil 311 210 259
Canada 379 158 230
Russia 357 146 221

Query type analysis – daily QPS averages for queries with a given QTYPE during the last 30 days before April 28, 2024

QTYPE Max qps Min qps Trend Average
A 11 332 7 791 9 892
NS 4 769 2 386 3 142
AAAA 2 709 1 806 2 272
DS 3 211 1 253 1 730
MX 770 389 600
other 449 228 343
TXT 403 153 272
SOA 214 83 120

Traffic flows – average distribution of QPS since 2024-04-21

Authoritative servers

Server analysis – daily QPS averages for queries reaching an authoritative server in a given city during the last 30 days before April 28, 2024

City Max QPS Min QPS Trend Average
Praha 4 208 2 213 3 562
Frankfurt am Main 4 583 988 2 970
Seattle (WA) 2 959 1 828 2 607
Reston (VA) 4 065 1 916 2 422
London 2 477 1 478 2 116
Tokyo 947 600 826
Singapore 1 041 551 658
Wien 951 194 598
São Paulo 820 409 539
Stockholm 833 346 506
Bratislava 643 356 454
undisclosed 835 236 446
Sydney 987 43 379
Santiago de Chile 863 194 278
Kyiv 395 99 235
Johannesburg 291 130 194
Milano 243 43 89

Response code analysis – daily QPS averages for queries responded with a given RCODE during the last 30 days before April 28, 2024

RCODE Max QPS Min QPS Trend Average
NoError 19 659 13 480 17 007
NXDomain 3 213 1 064 1 677
Refused 80 2 7
FormErr 1 0 0
ServFail 3 0 0
NotAuth 0 0 0
NotImp 0 0 0
BADSIG 0 0 0


IP version

Traffic rate by IP version – time series of daily QPS averages for IPv4 and IPv6


Traffic rate by transport protocol – time series of daily QPS averages for UDP and TCP

SLD countries

Location of authoritative DNS servers for second-level domains under .cz – countries (as of April 25, 2024)

Country Domains Servers Domains Servers
Czechia 1 229 919 3 414 1 034 674 1 012
United States 458 726 5 865 181 815 5 261
other 378 598 7 418 195 017 2 999
Sweden 221 521 173 221 112 78
Italy 217 538 272 214 008 41
Germany 125 193 2 587 64 303 994
Slovakia 117 975 361 217 519 63
United Kingdom 103 012 463 99 608 121

SLD networks

Location of authoritative DNS servers for second-level domains under .cz – autonomous systems (as of April 25, 2024)

AS Providers Domains Servers Domains Servers
AS15685 CASABLANCA INT 154 096 225 81 167 67
AS16509 AMAZON-02 273 029 2 316 4 844 2 077
AS208414 WEDOS Internet 250 436 4 250 438 5
AS24806 INTERNET CZ 219 862 124 215 861 28
AS25234 ACTIVE 24 183 447 6 183 453 7
AS29134 Webglobe 122 273 34 121 380 15
AS31034 Aruba 215 860 37 213 084 10
other other 1 480 355 17 807 1 084 629 8 360

Catchment areas

Mapping of countries to a destination DNS server that receives most of the traffic from a given country.


Traffic rate by DNSSEC – time series of daily QPS averages by DNSSEC support
Whether a DNS query supports DNSSEC or not is determined from the EDNS0 flag DNSSEC OK (DO) [RFC 3225].