
DNSSEC algorithms

Evolution of relative shares of DNSSEC signing algorithms since 2008
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Shares of DNSSEC-protected domains by registrars

The graphs show shares of DNSSEC-protected domains relative to the total number of domains belonging to the registrar.

Large registrars (with more than 15000 domains) are displayed separately from smaller ones.


DNSSEC domains

Share of DNSSEC-protected domains relative to the total number of domains
The domains (total and DNSSEC) correspond to the end of each year, and the present day for the current year.


Share of domains using DANE for SMTP service relative to the total number of domains

Number of domains using DANE for SMTP [RFC 7672].Only port 25 is taken into account.

DANE providers

Top registrars using DANE for SMTP service

Number of domains using DANE for SMTP [RFC 7672].Only port 25 is taken into account.


QPS by DNSSEC – Proportional rate of monthly averages of hourly QPS averages by DNSSEC support
Whether a DNS query supports DNSSEC or not is determined from the EDNS0 flag